
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Air and Space Museum

I think the Air and Space Museum was probably my favorite thing in D.C.
Being the nerd I am, I loved getting to see the Enterprise model that was used in the filming of The Original Series!
Enterprise model from Star Trek TOS
Another cool thing at the Air and Space Museum was the SkyLab Space Station. I never knew that there was a space station before the International Space Station, so that was really neat!

Katie & Ruby in the space station
Of course, in the gift shop, there were fun postcards with rockets, (I've been collecting postcards from every state) and some Star Wars items, and the best--- Star Trek stuff! There was fun things like a star trek cookbook, star trek calendar, spock ears, etc. I got a star trek thermos with an enterprise on it! :)

I know, I'm a nerd, but I loved it.