The sidekick of the awesome-tastic Smith family has finally arrived in Texas! I'm Ruby and I'm very excited for our trip. Taylor, Katie and I have been planning on taking a road trip from the time we were 17, 14 and 15. We are now 21, 18 and 19, but we are still excited as ever because its ACTUALLY HAPPENING!
I come from a tiny little town in Montana, so the first 2 things I noticed here were: everything is FLAT and its very BIG. And it's really warm here. As in hot. But I love it because for me to get a tan in Montana took a few hours, every few days, depending on how hot it was and I got a tan in about 15 minutes, so I thought that was pretty cool, honestly.
So yeah, I figured I'd say hi, seeing as I am a member of this great venture! Bring it on!